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Verification Futures Conference 2025 UK

The Verification Futures conference has always provided a unique blend of conference presentations, exhibitions, training and industry networking sessions for discussing the challenges faced in hardware and software verification thus providing a unique opportunity for end-users to define their verification challenges and collaborate with the other engineers and vendors to create solutions. In 2025 Verification Futures UK is expanding to include the use of AI/ML in IP/SoC, FPGA and Mixed Signal designs, as well as new tracks for UK Engineering students and UK-based semiconductor start-ups.

Event at a Glance

Tuesday, 01 July 2025 – Full day conference, exhibition and networking event

Reading (UK) & online

FREE to attend conference In-Person or Online

Conference Program

08:30 Exhibition open and student posters available for viewing Slides Videos
09:25 Conference starts
09:30 Keynote speaker - TBC
10:00 Conference Sponsor - Platinum Plus - Cadence
10:30 Break - Exhibition open and student posters available for viewing
11:00 Main Morning
11:00 Main Morning Synopsys – Platinum Sponsor

VeriCHERI: Exhaustive Formal Security Verification of CHERI at the RTL

Anna Duque Antón (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau)

11:50 A novel formal verification solution to Non-convergence Surinder Sood, ARM
12:10 Speaker
11:00 TBC (Breakout)
11:00 Speaker
11:30 Speaker
11:50 Speaker
12:10 Speaker
11:00 Training Engineers in work
11:00 Doulos Training (topic TBD)
13:30 Mixed Signal
11:00 Mixed Signal Platinum Design? Sponsor speaker?
11:30 Speaker
11:50 Speaker
12:10 Speaker
11.00 UKESF
11:05 UK ESF Stream for invited students
11.00 Design
11:00 AI/ML in Design Flows Platinum Design Sponsor speaker
11:30 Speaker
11:50 Speaker
12:10 Speaker
11.00 FPGA Verification
11:00 FPGA Test Benches Platinum Design Sponsor speaker
11:30 Speaker
11:50 Speaker
12:10 Speaker
12:30 Lunch - Exhibition open and student posters available for viewing
13:30 Afternoon Verification Session
13:30 Platinum Verif Sponsor Speaker
14:00 Gold Sponsor Speaker
14:20 Gold Sponsor Speaker
14:40 Gold Sponsor Speaker
13:30 Mixed Signal
13:30 Platinum Sponsor Speaker?
14:00 Speaker
14:20 Speaker
14:40 Speaker
13:30 UKESF
13.30 UK ESF Stream for invited students
13.30 AI Design IP
13.30 Platinum Design IP Sponsor Speaker
14.00 Mrudula Gore Imgtec
14.20 Speaker
13.40 Speaker
13:30 Verifying IP designs in FPGA
13.30 Platinum FPGA Sponsor Speaker
14.00 CocoTB

HDLRegression: A reliable and efficient tool for FPGA regression testing

Marius Elvegård (Inventas)

14.40 Speaker
15:00 Break - Exhibition open and student posters available for viewing
Advance Verification Topics
15:30 Main Afternoon

Multisim: simulate your RTL with real multi-threaded speed

Antoine Madec (Axelera AI)

15.50 Mrudula Gore Imgtec (colleague)

AFCML: Accelerating the Functional Coverage through Machine Learning within a UVM Framework

Haroon Waris (Institute of Space Technology (IST))

15:30 CPU/RISCV Verification (Breakout)

Configuring Spike to model your RISC-V implementation

Mike Thompson (OpenHW Founation)


Formal Verification of Security-Properties on RISC-V Processors

Christian Appold (Denso Automotive Deutschland GmbH)


𝜇CFI: Formal Verification of Microarchitectural Control-flow Integrity

Katharina Ceesay-Seitz (ETH Zurich)

15:30 AI in DV
15.30 Kerstin Eder – Bristol University
15:30 Mixed Signal
15.30 Speaker
15.50 Speaker
16.10 Speaker
15:30 UKESF
15.30 UK ESF Stream for invited students
15:30 Design
15.30 AI IP in SoC Jörg Paul, Dreamchimp
15.50 Speaker
16.10 Speaker
15:30 FPGA
15.30 top-level verif for FPGA with AI Speaker
15.50 Speaker
16.10 Speaker
16:30 Drinks and Pizza, student poster competition prize giving, sponsor gift raffle draw
17:00 End of conference


VF2025 was made possible through the generosity of the following sponsors. If you would like to become a VF2025 sponsor please Contact Us.

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