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The four horse riders of the silicon apocalypse

Conference: Verification Futures 2025 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Sean Redmond
Presentation Title: The four horse riders of the silicon apocalypse

The market is demanding 3 to 6 orders of magnitude more performance from the semiconductor industry. Unfortunately, the next ten years of our silicon CMOS roadmap will only deliver single CPU performance improvements of 3% per year, so where will the next generations of compute performance improvement come from?

Speaker Bio:

With over 40 years of experience in the semiconductor and software industries, Sean started his career designing digital stereo ICs for television and then the first embedded processor used in mobile phones with VLSI technology. He led Verisity Europe, the original constrained random generation verification EDA company, which was acquired by Cadence. He became VP & GM of Cadence EMEA, leading a team of over 300 people and doubling its business in Europe. On joining ARC, a London Stock Exchange listed Design IP company, as VP WW Sales and Marketing he helped turn it cash flow positive, leading to the eventual sale to Synopsys. Sean is Managing Partner for Silicon Catalyst in Europe, the semiconductor startup incubator and accelerator. He leads its contribution to the European government’s semiconductor strategy, ChipStart EU and ChipStart UK earlystage semiconductor startup incubators. In 2023, Sean was awarded the Techworks contribution to industry award for his work to connect, support and reinvigorate the local semiconductor startup community. Sean has a BSc(hons), MSc EE from Kings College London and MBA from Henley Management College.

Key Points:
  • Silicon CMOS has run out of road
  • Nobody knows what will happen next
  • We need to look to new device and materials combined with architectures and packaging combined with new models of computation
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