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Call for Submissions

Please use this form to submit an abstract for any of the Tessolve events.

We are currently seeking submissions for the following Conferences and Events:

To submit an abstract we recommend that you first review the information for each event, including any specific guidelines on submitting abstracts, making note of any submission deadline that may be given.

General Submission Guidelines

The Tessolve conference and events are generally targeted toward a technical audience of Tessolve engineers and managers working on both hardware and software projects.

Abstract submissions should be no more than 2,500 characters and include a short biography of the speaker. All submitted abstracts will receive a notification of their receipt. Each abstract is then reviewed and the email address provided will be used to follow up and discuss the submissions possible inclusion in the selected event.

It is expected that authors will enable Tessolve to publish the presentations and any recordings on the event as so will agree to release copyright for this prpose.

Speaker Update Form


"*" indicates required fields

Max. file size: 80 MB.

Submit an Abstract

To submit your abstract please complete the form below:

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