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The Emerging Standards Landscape for CAV Security, Safety and Testing

Conference: Verification Futures 2019 (click here to see full programme)
Speaker: Alex Price, BSI
Presentation Title: The Emerging Standards Landscape for CAV Security, Safety and Testing
Abstract: The increase in the development of vehicles with autonomous driving capabilities creates opportunities and risks for manufacturers, their supply chain, consumers, policy-makers and wider society. The management of security and safety risks presents a key challenge that will need to be addressed through a combination of standards and regulation to encourage CAV deployment and public acceptance of the technology.

A UK study from 2017 identified a lack of accepted common standards and working practices as a significant impediment to UK progress in this area. The picture is changing with international standards for autonomous driving in development and the UK, via BSI, publishing new PAS documents on the topic of security and safety.

CAVs are not one single development topic but a collection of many interrelated systems and technologies at various stages of commercial readiness. Like many other emerging disruptive technologies, CAVs will require continued developments in several technical areas to progress to the types of exciting end-goal systems that are being envisaged. To categorise the benefit of identify standards existing and those in development autonomous driving relies on awareness from sensors for object detection and avoidance, environmental modelling from existing data and adaptive learning.

Speaker Bio: Alex Price has been involved in the development of testing and specification standards for a number of years.

More recently taking on remits of standards within the automotive sector.

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