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Saving Development Time by Automating Verification infra from specifications

Conference: DVCLUB Europe | Auto-generation of Verification Infrastructure for IP to SoC
Speaker: Nikita Gulliya, Agnisys
Speaker Title: Saving Development Time by Automating Verification infra from specifications

Rhetorical question: Would you rather waste time in manually creating verification agents, monitors, tests, plumbing for your IP verification or automate the generation? What happens when you want the same test behaviour to work at IP level, and then at SoC level? This presentation talks about the various automation that can be done to save development time.

Key Points:

  • Use specification as the golden reference for everything in a project.
  • Automate as much of the mundane tasks as possible.
  • This frees you up to work on other “interesting” and important verification tasks.
Speaker Biography:

Nikita Gulliya is Product Engineer for Agnisys Inc


DVCLUB Europe is made possible through the generosity of our sponsors.

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