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Decoupling Generation and Simulation in an IP Test Bench

Conference: DVCLUB Europe | Alternative Test Bench Architectures
Speaker: Tim Blackmore, Infineon Technologies Ltd
Speaker Title: Decoupling Generation and Simulation in an IP Test Bench

In a standard IP verification environment, generation and simulation are closely coupled so that after simulation there is no artefact of the stimuli applied to the DUT other than test and seed. In an executing project this can lead to problems such as random instability. To avoid such problems, we have implemented verification environments where generation and simulation are decoupled. The approach is easily tailored to overcome drawbacks and comes with a number of side benefits.

Key Points:

  • Decoupling generation and simulation improves random stability
  • It has a number of other benefits, including simplifying use of machine learning for improving quality of test stimuli
  • Use of this approach has been proven in practice
Speaker Biography: Tim is a Senior Principal Verification Engineer at Infineon Technologies, based in Bristol. His research focus is improving the efficiency of the verification of complex IPs, subsystems and SoCs including by the use of machine learning. He is also the Global Verification Manager for Infineon’s current family of Aurix3G microcontrollers and is a Visiting Industrial fellow at the University of Bristol.


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