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ADAS IP Case Study: De-Coupled Generation and Simulation for Functional Verification

Conference: DVCLUB Europe | Alternative Test Bench Architectures
Speaker: Rhys Hodson, Infineon Technologies Ltd
Speaker Title: ADAS IP Case Study: De-Coupled Generation and Simulation for Functional Verification

A real-life case study demonstrating the benefits of de-coupled Generation and Simulation environments in Infineon’s ADAS IP verification.

Key Points:

  • Evidence of the alternative architecture contributing to verification efficiency
  • Solutions to technical hurdles that need to be overcome
  • Other benefits the architecture has given the team, including test portability and human resourcing
Speaker Biography: Rhys is a Senior Verification Engineer at Infineon Technologies, based in Bristol. Whilst working on Infineon’s portfolio of ADAS IP, he is focused on improving the efficiency of the verification workflow using the latest industry ideas as well as homegrown machine learning techniques.


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